Thursday, June 19, 2014

Why Wiccan Clergy?

Well I could answer this whole blog with WHY NOT?  To be fair though, I asked this question myself when the proposition was postulated to me about me just taking the leap from coven "Highpriestess" to Legal Wiccan Clergy.  Many people have misconceptions about the role, or even what the job entails and so for me the point of this blog; is not to convince you are even change your mind on the position of having legal Wiccan Clergy in our Midst(They were there before me and are already thriving).  It is however, to show you to some extent what Wiccan Clergy does, on a teeny scale, on a midling scale, on a large scale, and on a very large scale.

We (and yes I am making a claim of we here praying my other Wiccan clergy I know will not get upset at me for this) are normal everyday Pagans/Wiccans who give every ounce of energy we have to the community, to people, and to our faith.  We love our Gods and Goddesses, and we try to the best of our ability to help people.  Goddess knows it is not a "power over" thing that will sustain you as Wiccan clergy for you are definitely not working for power.  You are working for people, you are working for your Gods and Goddesses, you are working for you grove, temple, church, circle, you are aware you are representing your faith for people that may never meet another one of "you" (people say this to me all the time when they meet me).

We spend our mornings working jobs full time or part time so we can work our other full time job (that of being Wiccan Clergy) during evenings, nights, and on weekends.  We are available for counseling almost 24/7, we listen to people of all walks of lives and faiths.  We go to hospitals, we call those who are depressed, or need help when we hear it or see  it.  We teach classes (some of us online and in person) workshops, organize and run festivals to raise money for our community, and we always actively work in political and social arenas for our faith and for the cities we live in. We also represent our faith to the public every day, it cannot be hidden for once you are Wiccan Clergy you are "outed" and live in a goldfish bowl.  My favorite part of the job is the rites of passages: Crossing overs, Funerals, Maidenings, Motherings, Croneings, Rovings, Fatherings, Sageings, Baby blessings, Iniating Students, Handpartings, Divorces, Baby Blessings, and Handfastings/Weddings.

There are no trappings I can see, or "glamour" involved with being Wiccan Clergy.  It is not a paid job, though I feel it is like being a Mother and housewife definitely "assumed" and very "underappreciated".  The rewards of the job is the smile on people's faces, the love you feel when you walk in a room, the hugs you get every day, the sun rising, and the children laughing, and knowing that when you die you tried your damndest to leave the world a much better place.

The purpose of this Blog will be to share the day to day, or month to month, or possibly little "impertinent" things that come to mind or that I can share with you as I walk my walk along with many others.  I was trained by Elder Clergy, and if you must know in this job not only are you constantly "supplementing your education" with other books, classes, but you are also being taught the job as you do it, and if you are lucky (and I am very very lucky) you are supported and surrounded by Elders that in the 60's and 70's were radical Pagan/Wiccan/Witchy people that grew into seeing the practicality and good old fashioned need and sense of becoming Legal clergy for their people. 

I looked for blogs on Wiccan Clergy when I was becoming one over five years ago...there was nothing, nada.  I looked for books, and there was only one at the time.  A very good one, but only one (Kevin Gardner the man's amazing btw).  I was trained by a series of different elders for the job, one has crossed over, and the others are still working and walking the talk.  I hope to honor them and their teachings with this blog and shed some light on those of us who "take a beating and keep on ticking" and "live in the trenches" within the community serving them constantly whether it be on a phone call, hospital visit, or helping them get a job, or just lending them a couch and giving them a cup of coffee.  Wiccan Clergy are a need of the community, for as our numbers grow we too need ministers to serve the people and to administer rites of Passage, and to dispense the sacraments of the Gods. 

Lastly, ask yourself one question...WHY NOT Wiccan Clergy?  Why not?